Tips for socks: the T-shirt does not include socks by default. If you want socks, select the sock options to pay for them.
Printing tip: If the name and number in the image are exactly what you want, you don't need to enter it again. If it is not, then enter the name and number you want.
Washing tip: It is recommended to hand wash football jerseys. If you want to use a washing machine, remember to turn the jersey over and then wash it. And fill the machine with cold water and use a gentle wash cycle to protect the colours more.
Bagari Kokelj -
Domači nogometni dres Real Madrid 23-24 je kakovosten. Storitev je odlična in pripravljeni so rešiti vaše težave. Bo ponovno kupil.
Tina Povše -
Odlična kakovost, kot je obljubljeno, neverjetno spletno mesto me vedno navduši 😀
Potocnik Magdic -
Dres je prišel dokaj hitro in je zelo kvaliteten. Dres ustreza opisu. Ponovno bom kupoval od tu!