Novi Belgija Domači Euro 2024 dresi uvaja veliko spremembo prejšnjih domačih dresov ekipe. Namesto živo rdeče je majica Belgije 2024 v glavnem vinsko rdeča. Uradno je barva novega domačega dresa Belgije 2024 “Team College Burgundy”. To barvo je že uporabil za ekipe, kot sta Nürnberg in Atlanta United.Združuje novo majico domačega nogometa Belgija 2024 z zlatimi logotipi, kar ustvarja eleganten videz.Črne/zlate kratke hlače in kostanjeve zlate nogavice dopolnjujejo domačo opremo Belgije za Euro 2024.
Tips for socks: the T-shirt does not include socks by default. If you want socks, select the sock options to pay for them.
Printing tip: If the name and number in the image are exactly what you want, you don't need to enter it again. If it is not, then enter the name and number you want.
Washing tip: It is recommended to hand wash football jerseys. If you want to use a washing machine, remember to turn the jersey over and then wash it. And fill the machine with cold water and use a gentle wash cycle to protect the colours more.
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